Ash's Brain Thinkings

Dead Frogs


Yesterday it finally got warm enough that my partner and I were able to go for our first walk of the season. It had been getting pretty depressing being stuck inside all winter. Walking and being in nature are pretty important for my mental health and one of my favorite things to do with my partner. We always go right to a little pond I like to call the frog pond. It's usually full of cute frogs hopping around and sometimes other wildlife like a turtle or heron. This time it was full of dead frogs and tadpoles. It was pretty cool to see. The entire bottom of the pond was swarming with schools of cute little tadpoles swimming around.

It was warm out, but chilly in the shade. The ice on the still water hadn't fully melted yet and the trees hadn't grown their leaves back yet. It had the atmosphere of a still winter day with the warmth of spring. I felt at home and comfortable.

I Wish I Had A Camera


Taking pictures of things is something that I quite enjoy. I especially love taking pictures of things related to my hobbies. I enjoy documenting my work. However, I find that my camera's phone really lets me down with the quality of the pictures its able to take. It's not the image quality itself that i have a problem with, but the inabilty to zoom without losing quality of the image. Most of the time I'm not able to get the photo composition that I want. The pictures I take of my models or pens always look wrong. I would be much happier with the pictures if I was able to zoom in, as to not distort the subject of the photograph. I'm obviously not a a photographer by any means, and perhaps this is just a skill issue but I wish I had a camera.