Who Do I Think I am?
I am a person. Species: Homo Sapiens.
I consider myself a creative type, however I have very little to show for it. I'm somewhat of a failure in any form of art. It doesn't stop me from trying and now that you're visiting my website, I'll be making it your problem too. If you care to stick around, I'll be showing you some of my attempts at creative expression. I used to express my creativity mainly through videogames, but I deemed that to be a waste of my short life when an over-a-year-long project was rendered useless do to the game I was building in becoming abandoned by the developers. If I still had my soul, I would call it a soul-crushing event. Nowadays I prefer to spend my creative energy building scale models, sewing, or tending to my houseplants. Sewing for me is about 10% creative expression and 90% just patching up my tattered clothing. I very seldom create my own garments but I very often modify ones that I own. Customization is my most important form of creative expression. I suppose now I'm also a so-called webmaster, working on this simple collection of HTML documents and CSS files. I had a fairly brief time of being a youtuber. It was quite fun but I got what I wanted out of it and moved on. Social media (yes, Youtube is a social meda) is just not for me. It's a capitalistic rat race that I want no part of.
Of course I have non-creative hobbies as well. Videogames is one. I tend to play shooters. Mainly slower paced, singleplayer fist person shooters. I especially love virtual reality. Nothing quite beats the immersion and physicality of it. I am also a firearms enthusiast. I have been shooting guns since as long as I can remember. I got my first rifle, a Ruger 10/22 when I was 12, and I have been a gun owner since I was 18. I had a decade long break from firearms partly due to the fact that I realized I have absolutely no right to take the life of an innocent animal, and I had previously used my own rifle to murder innocent animals in the name of sport. Some call this "hunting". I couldn't deal with the guilt of my actions and had to distance myself from the tool that I had used. Thankfully I have now recovered from my shame and am enthusiastically embracing firearms as a hobby again. This time I won't be killing any innocent animals.